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Lifelong Learning - Youth Activities & Education

Sunday Classes

Do you like to instruct children and youth? Lesson plans and activities are provided. You can take part monthly or now and then. Every Sunday, the sermon is recorded and uploaded to YouTube so you will not miss the message on the day you choose to teach.

Time involvement: 1 hour Sunday morning

Contact Information: Lori Thorn @


Special Events for Youth and Children

Do you like doing events for kids and teens? When we bring families together, our values span the community. 

Time involvement: 1-2 hours preparation; variable time for the event

Contact Information: Lori Thorn @


Hispanic Outreach Center at 612 Franklin Street

Would you enjoy spending time with kids under three years old? You can help with intercultural growth every Thursday from 9:00 AM - 11:30 AM. Mothers stay with their young children while they play, create, sing dance, and become comfortable. Speaking and understanding Spanish is not required, but it would be a plus. 

Time involvement: 2.5 hours on Thursday mornings

Contact Information: Peggy Tanney @


UU Beliefs Adapted for Young Learners

We encourage the children to explore what it means to be a Unitarian Universalist with a focus on the UU principles ( If you'd like to know what's happening each Sunday and other events, please join our Facebook group for regular updates (


Sunday Morning Children's Program

Everyone will start in the Octagon (sanctuary) together. After the Time for All Ages, the children leave with the Guides for children's religious enrichment programming.


Activities include art, music, reading, gardening, and physical play. Since we have experienced a long time apart, we're focused on building relationships rather than traditional education. The format is one-room schoolhouse style through 8th grade, and children should dress to be comfortable and active.

















TORCH stands for Teen Organization Reaching for Community Harmony. In partnership with their youth advisors, our youth explore theology, spirituality, history and other topics of interest through discussion, music and art as well as a number of hands-on social service opportunities. TORCH meets every other Sunday during service for kids in 7th grade and up. On Sundays when we do not have TORCH, the youth are welcome to stay in service or join in the children's programming. 



We do not have nursery staff, but babies and toddlers are welcome in the sanctuary during service. If you or your little one need a break from service, please know that we stream the service in the nursery. 


Resources for Parents & Caregivers

Healthy Relationships & Sexuality


A Note Regarding Registration...

Registering your children and youth in the Lifelong Learning program provides us with accurate information to help us run high-quality programming and ensure that you receive the latest information.  We ask that newcomers fill out a registration form to inform us of your children’s interests, special needs, and food allergies.

Register here


We do not charge a fee for our religious enrichment program. If you would like to make a voluntary donation, see the options here, and thank you!


There’s a place for everybody and their time and talents as we create a flourishing RE experience that embodies the essence of our UUC ministry, shapes young lives and shines on the future of our congregation.  We offer many volunteer opportunities that will not only nurture the spiritual lives of our children and youth but yours as well.


Office Hours:
Tuesday - Friday
9:00 am - 12:00 pm


 Unitarian Universalists Of Clearwater
2470 Nursery Road
Clearwater, FL 33764


Phone: (727) 531-7704



(UUC's electronic newsletter)

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