Ways to Give
Community Outreach
Community Outreach is a program managed by the UUC Social Justice Council. The recipient must be an IRS designated 501(c)3 non-profit organization in good standing. Each selection is thoroughly checked with Charity Navigator and additional sources. Suggestions for recipients are discussed and voted upon at the monthly SJC (Social Justice Council) meetings. Through the generosity of our members and friends, UUC has given thousands of dollars to worthy causes and helped change lives.
Each month, the chosen charity will be displayed here. If a charity resonates with you, you are welcome to click the button below to donate (you'll choose the charity from the "Give To" drop-down menu). If you have any questions, reach out to our Administrator, who will be happy to help!
March 2025 | Faith in Florida’s mission is to build a powerful, multicultural, nonpartisan network of congregation community organizations in Florida, that will address systemic racial/economic issues that cause poverty for our families; gun violence; voter suppression; and build a beloved community.
If you are moved to make a donation to a program here at UUC, you can click the button below:
2024-2025 Stewardship Campaign
Online giving has never been easier! We deeply appreciate your generosity and commitment to our mission and vision. With your continued financial support, our community stands strong.
CLICK HERE to fill out the Pledge Form form for 2024-2025
If you have questions about the pledging process, and would like to talk with someone first, please reach out to our pledging experts:
Board Treasurer Email: treasurer@uuc.org or
Stewardship Manager Email: stewardship@uuc.org
If you're experiencing technical issues with the form itself, please reach out to the Campus Administrator via Email: admin@uuc.org or by calling the office (727-531-7704).
There are three easy ways to give:
(1) Click HERE to donate online: https://uuc.breezechms.com/give/online
(2) Text-to-give: (727) 500-2410
Text a dollar amount to this phone number. The first time you text, you will be asked to enter in your information to register your phone. To give in the future, simply text "give" to this number. You'll be emailed a receipt, and you can immediately type "refund" if you accidentally entered "1000" instead of "10.00."
(3) Mail a check to us at: 2470 Nursery Road, Clearwater, FL 33764
Pledge Fulfillment
Why should I pledge financial support to UUC?
Fulfilling UUC’s vision to be an inclusive religious community, a beacon for a reason, meaning and bold social action requires everyone’s investment. It’s difficult to put a dollar amount on the cost of aspirations, but we know the lack of funding limits our ability to be a strong voice through enriching programs like the choir and social justice outreach. At a very basic level, your financial pledge is necessary to support daily operational expenses, such as keeping the lights on, buying supplies and paying staff.
What do I “get” for my financial support?
Determining value is a personal decision. How much is this community worth to you? How important is it to you for us to insure that our religious message has a strong and healthy home where it can be made available to others who may be looking for a religion that promotes inclusion, diversity and hope? How much is the education of our children worth? How much is justice worth? How important is an inspiring Sunday morning experience to you?
How much should I pledge?
Consider your values, your income and your needs. Then give as generously as you can! The Fair Share Giving Guidelines (coming soon) suggests between 2 percent and 5 percent of your annual income. Also look at the Gift Levels (link coming soon) that provide the numbers needed of each gift. Find your most generous level and pledge that amount.
Click here for the Fair Share Contribution Guide
This year, please take a fresh look at your annual budget!
Have you been giving the same amount for several years? Please review your personal budget and see if you can fulfill some increased level. Approximately 75 percent of UUC basic expenses are being paid through pledges. However, a rule of thumb for faith communities is for pledges to provide 80 percent of basic operating support. We as a congregation have a ways to go to support our vision.
Legacy Giving/Planned Gifts
The support of UUC through gifts after your death to meet the long-term needs of the Congregation is called Legacy Giving. Some gifts give again and again. Your planned gift can transform the future of our Congregation and ensure that it thrives well into the lives of future generations.
It takes only a little planning. It can be as simple as including a bequest to UUC in your will or trust, or naming UUC as a beneficiary on your retirement plan or insurance policy. Please click here for the LEGACY GIVING FORM.
Unrestricted Gift - This category of giving helps us maintain our UUC operating funds.
Restricted Gift - This category of giving is dedicated to capital projects and/or building/property maintenance.
Endowment Gift - This category of giving goes directly to the UUC Endowment Foundation, where capital is held in perpetuity. 4.25% of the annual income generated by this fund is contributed to UUC.
There are many ways to make legacy gifts to UUC:
Through your Will
Retirement Plans
Life Insurance
Appreciated Securities
Your financial and legal advisors can help with the best option for you.
We will carefully manage your gift. Whether your gift is unrestricted (to be used for the general benefit of our congregation), or restricted (to be used for projects and/or capital improvements to UUC's buildings or campus), the UUC Board of Trustees is committed to carefully administering your bequest. The UUC Endowment Foundation operates under a separate Board that is equally committed to the careful management of your gift. Please click here for the LEGACY GIVING FORM. If you have any questions or need assistance filling out the form, please reach out to the Endowment Foundation President via e-mail (rbuesing@verizon.net)
For information about the UUC Endowment Foundation, click HERE.
Securities Transfers
If you have Securities (stocks, bonds, options, etc.) that you are graciously donating to UUC (or if you just have questions about the process), please e-mail our Financial Secretary (fin.sec@uuc.org) and/or Treasurer (treasurer@uuc.org).