We hope you'll share in our joy, as we celebrate the official adoption of
the 8th Principle here at UUC!
“We, the member congregations of the Unitarian Universalist Association, covenant to affirm and promote: journeying toward spiritual wholeness by working to build a diverse multicultural Beloved Community by our actions that accountably dismantle racism and other oppressions in ourselves and our institutions.”
Click here for more information on the 8th Principle:
Videos on the 8th Principle:
Dr. Anthony Stringer speaks to White UUs at the UU Congregation of Atlanta about How to Be a BUU - how and why we have to overcome discomfort and learn to work and play together. His portion starts at about 17.23 into the video {Dr. Anthony Stringer "How to be a BUU"}
The 8th Principle by Paula Cole Jones (March 7th 2021) {10 minutes}
What the BIPOC Community Says About the 8th Principle {77 minutes}
UUC 8th Principle Workshop by Bruce Pollack Jones from 10.3.2021 {77 minutes}
How Can We Win? Kimberly Jones Powerful Speech Video Full-Length Black Lives Matter, *Some disturbing language from the original was edited out of this one. She’s describing a too-long-running and disturbing situation (racism in the U.S. across 450 years), and the central role of racial oppression in the economic history of the United States. If you were playing 450 rounds of Monopoly in the imbalance of power she describes, how would you feel? If you want the full impact of Ms. Jones’s emotions, watch the original. {6 minutes}
Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man, Episode 1, 9 min *If you really want to understand the experiences of People of Color and the emotions and thoughts those experiences engender, watch more episodes. {ranging from 16 to 90 min}
What is Generational Trauma? {6 min}
Black Wall Street {25 min}
Black Lives Matter explained: The history of a movement (BBC), {15 min}
Hoda Kotb Talks To Kids About Black Lives Matter And Racism (NBC), “Make our circles bigger. Have people around who are different from us.” {6 min}
How response to George Floyd's death reflects 'accumulated grievance' of black America (PBS), {8 min}
DIY Reparations {27 min}
TED Talks:
Racism has a cost for everyone. Heather C McGhee {14 min.}
How racial bias works … and how to disrupt it. Jennifer L. Eberhardt. {14 min.}
What Too Few Textbooks Told You … The Atlantic Slave Trade
"Slavery has occurred in many forms throughout the world, but the Atlantic slave trade -- which forcibly brought more than 10 million Africans to the Americas -- stands out for both its global scale and its lasting legacy. Anthony Hazard discusses the historical, economic and personal impact of this massive historical injustice. [Directed by NEIGHBOR, narrated by Addison Anderson]."
UUC Social Justice articles on the history of racial oppression
On the lessons of bad history and other 8th Principle Resources:
"Book of Delights" by Ross Gay (essays for the 8th Principle Open Issues Discussion)
21 Lessons From America's Worst Moments
Many Black World War II Veterans Were Denied Their GI Bill Benefits