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We hope you'll share in our joy, as we celebrate the official adoption of 

the 8th Principle here at UUC! 



“We, the member congregations of the Unitarian Universalist Association, covenant to affirm and promote: journeying toward spiritual wholeness by working to build a diverse multicultural Beloved Community by our actions that accountably dismantle racism and other oppressions in ourselves and our institutions.”


Click here for more information on the 8th Principle:


Videos on the 8th Principle:


TED Talks:

"Slavery has occurred in many forms throughout the world, but the Atlantic slave trade -- which forcibly brought more than 10 million Africans to the Americas -- stands out for both its global scale and its lasting legacy. Anthony Hazard discusses the historical, economic and personal impact of this massive historical injustice. [Directed by NEIGHBOR, narrated by Addison Anderson]."


UUC Social Justice articles on the history of racial oppression


On the lessons of bad history and other 8th Principle Resources:

"Book of Delights" by Ross Gay (essays for the 8th Principle Open Issues Discussion)

21 Lessons From America's Worst Moments

Many Black World War II Veterans Were Denied Their GI Bill Benefits

Why Confederate Lies Live On



Office Hours:
Tuesday - Friday
9:00 am - 12:00 pm


 Unitarian Universalists Of Clearwater
2470 Nursery Road
Clearwater, FL 33764


Phone: (727) 531-7704



(UUC's electronic newsletter)

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